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Rotary Projects : Year 2008 - 2009

27th Feb 09 Official Club Visit of DG Bansi Dhurandhar

OCV by DG Bansi Dhurandhar
Venue: MCF Club, Prem Nagar, Borivli (West).

Timing: 5.00 p.m. - 10.30 p.m.

Event Details:  DG Visited :

5.00 p.m.: DG visited our  Revival Project of Bhagawati Hospital where he inaugurated new beds and
NIBP machine donated to the pediatric ward.

5.40 p.m.: Visited Rotary Club of Borivli Eye Bank

6.15 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.: Held Meeting with Interact club of Nalanda School

6.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m.: Closed Door Meeting held with President, Secretary, President Elect (at MCF Banquet Hall)

7.00 p.m. to 7.40 p.m: Club Assembly (at MCF Banquet Hall)

7.40 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.:  Held Meeting with Rotaract/ Innerwheel Club (at MCF Banquet Hall)

8.30 p.m. to 10.15 p.m.  Regular meeting (at MCF Banquet Hall)

OCV attended by more than 115 Rotarians and Guests. DG announced A+ rating to our club projects and congratulated President Chetan and his Gr8 Team for marvelous work carried out, especially The Gr8 Kanheri Festival, Gr8 Membership Development and Star Program, RI thrust area project of Reviving Pediatric Ward of Bhagwati Hospital, PULSE polio with record no of immunizations, Water Ryla, Projects for Physically challenged Children, Tribal School Adoption, Eye Donation Awareness Rally and Gr8 work in Vocational training for tribal women and Rotary EYE Bank.



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