DATE : 12.11.2010
TIME : 8.00 PM
Acting Sergent Ashish collared the President and asked him to start the meeting. President Ashok called the meeting to order and the National Anthem was sung.
Pres Ashok welcomed the members and guests. He then invited our own new members, who were the speakers for the day, Rtn Chetan Joshi and Rtn Chirag Shah, to the dias.Details of projects done and events –
Diwali celebrations with children of Kurze Ashramshala was successfully carried out on 29th Oct. Kudos to Director Harish & team.
Public Seminar on 31st Oct - Director Lalit gave details of the same. It was a gala event with around 250 participants.
Eye donation awareness was carried out at RC of Mulund South on 10th Nov. Dada informed the members that this club is eager to start a eye donation collection centre and the details are being worked out.
birthdays and anniversaries were then announcd.
Then it was time for our speakers. Both spoke well, like seasoned speakers.
Chetan gave an account of himself and his family and the work that he does as a Certified Financial Planner.
Chirag took the members on a rollercoaster ride of the ups and downs of his life and how he has overcome difficulties.
A question answer session followed.
Secretary Mudrak
gave the secretarial announcements. The
meeting was then adjourned.
Attendance - Rotarians 22, Anns &
guests 2 - Total 24