April 2011 Regular Meeting : Indian Politics and Global trends |
Date : 29.04.2011
Venue : Hotel Granville, Borivli (West), Mumbai.
Time : 8.00 pm
Good fellowship enjoyed between 8.00 - 8.30
Thank-you members for being on time enabling the meeting to start on schedule.
Sergeant Jayesh requested President Ashok to start the meeting and collared him.
The meeting was called to order and the National Anthem was sung. Pres Ashok
welcomed the members and guests and requested Vijaydada to escort the chief
guest Dr Shailendra Deolankar to the dais. The Rotary formalities
followed- Details of projects, birthdays and anniversaries.
President Elect Ajay Gandhi gave an interesting insight of the District Assembly
held on 17th April
Sergeant Jayesh introduced the speaker, who gave a thunderous address on India
Shining which left the listeners spellbound. a truly learned and motivating
speech (President Ashok had been perusing the speaker since last 6 months and it
was really worth it)
PP Hemant had taken the initiative to show the 7 minute Mid-day Meal CD at the
meeting of Happiness Foundation which resulted in the receipt of donations of
over Rs. 66,000 for the cause. The donors were felicitated by President Ashok
and the chief guest. Well done PP Hemant.
After the secretarial announcement and vote of thank by Mudrak the Pres
adjourned the meeting and invited all for dinner.
Attendance - Rotarians 33, Anns & guests 17 - Total 50
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